
We all need a little inspiration in our lives! We aim to give you a bit of Godly inspiration on this page through sharing devotional thoughts, blog posts, updates and inspiring scripture with you as we continue to grow in God.

Great things happen when there is love… Take a look back, think about the moments when you could have kicked out someone for doing something that they should not have.

Following through. A promise broken has its consequences. A job not well done will be remembered.

Don’t you get tired of comparing yourself with others? Of people stating that they are the best, or that they are doing it right...

What is your excuse? It seems that we have plenty.

All of us are battling it out… we all are battling some demons in our lives.

As leaders, we are tasked many times with organizing and executing events that will bring many to the feet of Jesus...

“Whomever desires to become great among you - let that person serve.” Really Jesus!?

Can you imagine Joshua? Moses had just died & here they were, finally at the doors of the promised land.

Mentorship is all about living out before others the clearest picture of the God who can be trusted.

It was our first wedding anniversary and we decided we would go explore the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Freestyling in youth ministries is the most amazing thing for a youth leader. The brakes are taken off...

The result of my challenging eating habits is weight gain. I pick up more than I ever hope to and add to it yearly. Isn’t that your story too?

The guys walked with a limp, I must admit I tried it a time or two until my mother (bless her heart) corrected my cool walk, my hip walk—my limp!