
May 4th, 2019

The Angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Psalm 34:7 NKJV

It was our first wedding anniversary and we decided we would go explore the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in mid-June. We loaded our camping equipment and our mountain bikes for a great adventure. And an adventure it was!

The first night of camping we arrived at a state campground on the shores of Lake Superior at dusk. We built a campfire, set up our tent, and ate our veggie dog and baked-beans campfire-supper. With everything cleaned up and our food supply safely stored in our SUV, away from vermin, birds, and bugs, we retired to our tent.

We awoke to the sound of scratching and squeaking and the banging of steel - in the distance. What was it!? It went on for some time and then it stopped. And then it started again but it sounded louder and nearer!! What could it be?! It lasted for a while and then it stopped again. And then - it started again - only nearer and louder!!! Now we could hear grunts as well. What could it be? It was much bigger than a vermin or a bird. We were uncertain, but could it be a bear?

The banging and squeaking stopped but the scratching and grunts got louder and closer. And then we realized that it was just on the outside of our tent. It was definitely a bear! And it was way too close for our comfort! We were terrified! While I was silently quoting Psalm 34 my wife was quoting Psalm 91 - all mixed up. However, God knew what we meant. We were terrified and yet there came peace.

The bear went around to the front of the tent, and then we heard it. The sound of plastic being crumpled, like a water bottle being crushed. “Oh No!” We didn’t put our water jug away and he found it. But at least he was moving away from our tent!

The grunts got quieter and then it was that loud noise of scratching and squeaking and banging steel. “What was it?” It lasted a while and then silence. Bewildered yet thankful, our racing hearts slowed down and eventually we fell asleep.

As the morning daylight approached and the sun began streaming through the forest we awoke with thankfulness in our hearts. What happened last night? Was all the noise and grunts really a bear or was it just a nightmare?

Up and out of the tent - and there they were - the tell-tail signs. Claw-punctures in our plastic water container. Paw prints on the ground outside of our nylon tent. Those noisy, squeaking, banging steel bear-proof garbage can lids and holders.

And then we saw the signs posted around camp that we did not notice at dusk when we arrived. “Beware, this is bear country.” And then it showed diagrams of how to suspend your food or keep it in containers so that bears do not smell it. Thankfully we did not have any food in our tent or around our campsite!

The Angel of the Lord literally camped with us and delivered us from the claws and mouth of the bear.


  1. Are you living an adventure? Do you have everything you need? Is your Angel of the Lord with you or are you needing more of His awareness?
  2. Is there a lot of scratching and squeaking and banging going on in your life? Can you identify the causes? What Bible verses are you claiming that are carrying you through?
  3. A bright new day after a long fearful night is coming. What can you do to get courage? Have you seen the Angel of the Lord encamping around you?

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Fearful dark nights are followed by bright morning hope. #OneTeam #CampingWithAngels #SonlightChasesDarknessAway