Camp Meeting

All That we are

Camp Meeting 2021 will be a virtual experience for all teens, youth, young adults and those who are young at heart! From riveting discussion and inspiring sermons to uplifting praise and heartfelt worship, June 4 & 5 be a two-day experience of grace you don’t want to miss. Support youth and young adults from across the Southern Ontario region as they display their gifts and talents to the honour & glory of God! Stay tuned for more updates in the near future.

The Southern Ontario Camp Meeting isn't like any camp meeting you've ever experience nor will ever experience. This weekend Camp Meeting allows worshipers to reconnect with God through nature, family & togetherness. Close to 1,500 people come from across Southern Ontario and around the province for this day of worship, family, fellowship and personal revival. Attending and being a part of the Southern Ontario Camp Meeting worship experience will allow you to leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and reinvigorated in your passion for serving Christ the Master.

Camp Meetings have a long history in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They serve several purposes including:

  • Promote the adoption of a spiritual life

  • To be a vast school for soul winning

  • A time of counsel and prayer

  • An opportunity for the sharing of powerful testimonies & praises

At the end of the day, success of the camp meeting depends upon you. We each play a role in being able to enjoy the camp meeting and in it being a blessing to others who are attending for the first time or are non-believers. The author Ellen G. White tells us

"Each one should feel that in a measure the success of the meeting depends upon him. Do not say: 'I am not responsible. I shall have nothing to do in this meeting.' If you feel thus, you are giving Satan opportunity to work through you."