Summer Picnic

There are kinds of interaction that best happen in the setting of a picnic, that can meet some needs that no other setting may meet. There is an experience of God in the open air, and in the atmosphere of leisure, that is true and good for the soul. It is also important for us to remember that our God is a sociable God. Picnicking together allows us to not only reason together, but to grow together as disciples of Christ. What better way to work with our fellow brothers and sisters in the work of the gospel than to know them on a social, personal or even intimate level. Having fun is never a bad thing for if once can laugh and play with you, then one will also be able to sing, praise and pray with you.

More details are coming soon for our Picnic in 2020 including time, location and food items to bring! There will be great food, awesome games and amazing people to mingle with.