Be Strong & Courageous

June 1st, 2019

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

Don’t worry…you are not the first one, nor the last one to feel: incompetent, overwhelmed, overjoyed, overexcited, scared, worried, etc. The only assurance you have is that somehow GOD has called you for this, and yet, you still don’t feel relaxed or calm. The task ahead seems monumental and maybe you are following someone who was such a great leader, that you know many will compare you and your leadership style to his.

Can you imagine Joshua? Moses had just died and here they were, finally at the doors of the promised land. The expectations were high, and the burden of leading an army and leading it well was huge. It is at this moment, when Joshua is alone that GOD shows up and encourages him. God not only encourages but reassures Joshua of something: HE fulfills His promises and as HE promised to be with Moses, HE will be with Joshua!!!

If you had any doubts, GOD is still GOD, and HE fulfills His promises to you too!!! Whatever the task, the challenge, the amazing truth is that if GOD called you to where you are, HE will never leave you to face what comes alone!!! GOD is with you!!!


  1. Look back 10 years and write down 5 ways you see God’s hand in your life.
  2. Read Joshua 1:1-9 and write how this text helps you in your current situation.
  3. Like Joshua, have you given yourself over to God’s leadership agenda? Are walls coming down because you serve, or are they being built because you lead?
  4. Who needs you to champion their cause? Are there leaders around you that you are called to serve? What is their agenda and how can you align yours to strengthen their hands?

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I am called by God. I may be afraid, overwhelmed, overextended, amazed by where I am, but I am trusting HIM to lead me and to take me where I need to be because #GodWithMe is a reality in my life. #OneTeam