They Will Know

August 30th, 2019

"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 NKJV

Great things happen when there is love…Take a look back, think about the moments when you could have kicked out someone for doing something that they should not have. If you are in leadership, there are, and will be moments when one of those young ones, loved by God, breaks rules and acts in ways that will make many on your team react and ask for discipline and for expulsion.

All of us have had that moment when faced with that individual, and looking at the assigned consequences, it is clear that there is only one way out. Yet, how many of us have encountered those individuals and felt that showing some grace and forgiveness could do them good? If we dig deeper, we could probably understand why these individuals acted in a certain manner. You may be tempted to just follow protocol, but as Christian leaders, we also have a redemptive mission with those who test and break rules.

Can you imagine if God did not show grace, forgiveness and love towards us? We would have been already done!!! God shared His love with us, His grace, His forgiveness so that we may understand that there is hope!!! There is hope through love!!! Many times, a kind word, a show of grace and forgiveness will result in far greater blessings than you could ever dream of!!! Showing love to someone can change their perspective on life!!!

People will know if we are Jesus’ disciples, when we love them and show them grace and forgiveness. And they will want to follow after Jesus, just because of the love that was shown to them. That is the power of love!!!


  1. Think of that individual that perhaps you have treated strongly.
  2. Would a show of grace/forgiveness/love be part of the process to help them reach their potential and also meet God?

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God has been so good to me. He loves me. I want to reflect His love today. If I have done or said anything that is not good towards you, I ask for forgiveness. I want to make things right. #GodIsLove #Forgiveness #Grace #OneTeam